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The Elm Park Triples

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photo courtesy Brian Thomson

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1st Place - New West

New West is this year's winner of the Elm Park Triples.

The Royal City threesome clinched first place a week earlier and held off runner-up Wild Card despite dropping a maximum 10-point loss to Rmd 1 in the final week of the 15-week Tuesday morning bowls league.

Wild Card chalked up its 12th victory of the season to take second place, following a 12-11 win over Kerr 3.

Defending champion SPK 2 finished third overall with a 12-9 victory over Kerr 1.

Rmd/WC was next, taking fourth place over Rmd 4 and Rmd 1, respectively on superior differential.

All three teams shared similar 9-6 records but Rmd/WC had a 70-point spread, while Rmd 4 needed all its points from a 14-8 win over SPK 1 to nip Rmd 1 for fifth spot by a single differential point, 51-50. 

Rmd 3 finished one game point back in seventh place after a 17-12 win over GPk 2 and GPk 1 placed just behind its clubmate despite defeating Van by a score of 13-6.

WPG was also a winner, downing Rmd 5 by a 19-8 scoreline.

Final Team Standings 2024

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2nd Place - Wild Card
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3rd Place - SPk 2
4th Place - Rmd/WC
5th Place - Rmd 4
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6th Place - Rmd 1


The Elm Park Triples is an open gender triples league, consisting of up to 16 teams playing a weekly, full round-robin schedule.

All members of the team must belong to the same designated club or clubs. Every team will play every other team once. The format will be three bowls per player, played over 14 ends per game.

All games will be played at the Kerrisdale Lawn Bowling Club, starting at 10 a.m. on the first Tuesday in May (Trial ends at 9.45 a.m).

Games should be concluded by 12:30 p.m. There will also be no tie-break games played.

If necessary, make-up games will be played as 8-end games, with two games played on the week following the cancelled game.

These two games together will be allowed a playing time of approximately three hours because the green is not available after 1 p.m. Click to see Appendix B.

Games will be played under modified Bowls Canada rules. No ends will be declared dead.

If the jack is moved to a position where it becomes a dead jack, it is to be re-spotted on the T.

A golf tee sunk into the grass is the T, however, spotted and re-spotted jacks should be sat directly on the golf tee and not behind it.

Team uniforms are encouraged.

There is no limit on substitutions, except that all players on a team must be members of the same designated club. Click to see Appendix C. No substitutions will be allowed during the game. 

Scoring:                 Tournament Points:                                          Game Points:

                               2 points for a win                                              maximum of + 10 points

                               1 point each for both teams in a tied game      0 points each team

                               0 points for a loss                                              no minus points

There will be no official umpire. If one is required, any qualified umpire not involved in the game in question may be called upon.

Any dispute or disagreement not covered by the rule book will be resolved by a meeting of the teams’ representative and the event organisers.

If a tie results after completion of the round-robin games, the winner shall be the team that bested the other team when they met head-to-head in the round robin.

History of the Elm Park Triples

The Elm Park Triples was started by former Kerrisdale club treasurer David Smith in 2019. It is a mixed gender triples tournament played throughout the outdoor season as a full round-robin event.

The league is essentially a closed club format but exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Open teams will not be considered for entry to the league. Teams may also be any combination of men or women.

It is intended to be a fun, but competitive league designed to encourage new bowlers, and formerly social bowlers, to transition into more competitive play.

Experienced bowlers are asked to view the league as an opportunity to help less experienced club players make the transition into inter-club competition. It also provides opportunities for club bowlers to meet and socialize with bowlers from other clubs.

The social side of the league is an important aspect of the league. Every Tuesday, Kerrisdale provides the coffee and tea, while all the teams take turns each week providing the pre-game snacks. 

Teams are comprised of three players and, as of 2023, as many as three spares of any gender can be added from the affiliated club. Therefore, any three of the six players can play in any position (skip, vice or lead) for any game. In addition, any other member of their designated club can be used as an unregistered substitute, but that person would not be allowed to skip.

The Richmond 1 club team of Heng Lee. Rainbow Lung, Spencer Yeung and spares Cary Ip and Joe Chan were the inaugural winners in 2019

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