We acknowledge that we enjoy the wonderful sport of lawn bowls on the unceded territory of the Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam nations.
The Elm Park Triples logo was created courtesy of artist, graphic designer and avid lawn bowler Robert Ascroft.
To go directly to the Elm Park Triples page, Click on the above icon.
Become a Kerrisdale club member

Everyone at the Kerrisdale Lawn Bowling Club would like to wish all you wonderful lawn bowlers out there the very best for the coming new year.
When outdoor play resumes in the spring, we invite all of you to come visit us at our Elm Park green in 2025.
Good bowling wherever you are.
Click here
Hello and Welcome
The Kerrisdale Lawn Bowling Club is located in a scenic spot, nestled in the corner of Elm Park at 43rd avenue and Elm street. Free parking is readily available on three of the streets surrounding the park, making it very convenient to park and play.
New bowlers begin with instruction from qualified coaches and club bowls are available for use without charge for the first year. These coaches are also available to assist the more experienced bowlers, if requested.
All bowlers must wear flat soled shoes to prevent damage to the green.
The green is always available for practice when not being used for organised events.
Each week, club members can take part in scheduled open draw, social bowling sessions, as well as in competitive leagues. At the social level, what can beat turning up at the club on a bright summer's day, playing a few ends of fun bowls and then sitting on the deck chatting with friendly like-minded people whilst enjoying a beverage? Some look on this as heaven.

At the competitive level, teams of Kerrisdale club players compete against teams from other clubs, both at home and away, in different leagues and tournaments throughout the summer. Some even play at the provincial and national levels. Kerrisdale also hosts several of competitive events during the season.
Bowls isn't a sport just for retired individuals or the elderly. Everyone can lawn bowl. It is a game for life. We have members as young as 12 and as old as 90, and our ladies are as competitive as the men.

Whether you are someone unfamiliar with the game, in the early stages of learning the game or an experienced competitive player, you will find friendly members at Kerrisdale. If you desire to play and improve your skills to compete at the highest level or you are just looking to make new friends in a sporting environment, you will be most welcome at the Elm Park club.
Members of other outdoor clubs are also welcome to become associate members at Kerrisdale.
As such, you enjoy the same practice privileges as regular members and could also team up with other Kerrisdale club players in ‘closed’ competitions.

Lawn Bowls is a sport for life that can be played by people of all ages on an equal footing. However, it is particularly suitable for people approaching retirement and beyond who wish to engage in a sport that isn’t too demanding on their body, their finances or their time. Lawn bowling is ideal for the sporty person who can no longer play their preferred sport, or can no longer play it to the level they once could. It can also appeal to someone wanting to play a new sport to experience the satisfaction of getting better at playing it. It can also provide a fun session of social play followed by a drink and a chat in the clubhouse afterwards.
Kerrisdale Lawn Bowling Club 5870 Elm Street Vancouver BC V6N 1A7 Tel: 604-261-1116 kerrisdalelbc@gmail.com